Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Musings of a Saddened Mind

What am I supposed to do, in light of receiving condemnation for all the traits and qualities that I hold dear? Am I supposed to turn over and accept the condemnations to my character and immediately agree, accepting only one person's view of Christianity? I cannot. I must not. I will not.

I've been told that the United States Constitution is subservient to law--the complete inverse of this government's foundations. I've been told that it is not possible for a godly person to vote for Obama. I've been told that McCain is the only godly choice and condemned for considering that Obama could further the Kingdom of G-d.

I supported McCain.

I'm tired of being slammed against the wall by those determined to teach me the error of my ways. I'm tired of being told that my simple faith in G-d is not good enough. I'm tired of people claiming that I called them names when I only discuss their arguments. I'm tired of people's ignorance of their own government. I'm just..... tired of having to defend myself against those who should give me unwavering support.

I'm tired of friendship not ringing true.

For those of you who have supported me, who do support me, who are willing to quietly listen to what I think without taking arms against me, I thank you. I miss you. I can't wait to see you again. I can't help but think that those of you I count in that number are small indeed but worth all the treasure in the world.


Jessica_Leigh said...

I supported neither, of course, because I have a radically different view of politics. I don't think that the government is G-d's hand ruling in the world, though I do believe that G-d ordains authority (though perhaps not the exact person in authority).

But I agree with you--demonizing a person or idea means that such a person or idea cannot even warrant a Christian's attention or discussion. We must avoid that...and it is ridiculous that when some Christians dissent, other Christians attack.

G-d is in control. G-d is in charge. And there's that difficult crux of sovereignty vs. free will that makes everything all complicated in theological terms.

I don't understand why discussing an argument or viewpoint has to get so heated. I don't understand why we attack the person instead of examining the claims. And friends should be able to be friends regardless of political perspective (or other perspectives) because we are called to LOVE one another first, only behind the commandment of LOVING God.

Part of loving is listening to one another. Communication, right? Hm. I just can't understand animosity over things that are temporal.

Amanda said...

thank you for putting into words, what i have felt for days, months...

i wish i had a way with words the way you do.

let's chat soon. i'd like that.

and no matter what - G-d is still in control. i have theories about this election, but i think i will keep them in for a while longer. i want to hash them out further.

mary christine said...

Well spoken...

Asking for time to decipher the signs...

What is there to know? I'm just another guy trying to figure out what it means to truly love, to truly live, to embrace life to the fullest. If I ever get some answers, I'll let you know. "So live on, / Breathing in every sigh / Hurt and joy / Truly living life to its fullness / Leaving no dream unturned / Or unfulfilled / Live on / Life awaits" -excerpt from "Nostalgia" by me.