Thursday, July 1, 2010


Lately I've been feeling the need to start writing my thoughts out again.... I must admit, it surprises me to discover that it has been more than a year since I last posted on this blog. It seems that so much has changed since then and yet so little. Life's cycles move so quickly.

The end of this last school year was especially poignant for me. I still find it hard to believe that practically all the people I started with are gone. Sitting in the stadium seating as I watched friend after friend walk across the stage wasw hard. Of course, it still won't settle in completely until the next schoolyear starts. I'm fairly certain I can claim oldest undergraduate next year. It'll be strange.

On a different note, I've decided that Courtney will not be allowed to disappear for two months ever again. Since she's left, I've received one lengthy e-mail from her and read three blog posts. I don't like it. It's the first time we have been this out of touch since the moment I met her, and all I really want is to hear her voice, plain and simple.

Anyway, the day calls. Work to do.


mary christine said...

you might want to update your link to my blog... it's now I changed it a while back and apparently my old blog address has been taken over by Portuguese speaking Cranberries fans.....

Good to see you posting again. Missed you last weekend!

andrew said...

I wish I could have been there! It's really wierd living in Evansville this summer. I miss being with you guys.

Asking for time to decipher the signs...

What is there to know? I'm just another guy trying to figure out what it means to truly love, to truly live, to embrace life to the fullest. If I ever get some answers, I'll let you know. "So live on, / Breathing in every sigh / Hurt and joy / Truly living life to its fullness / Leaving no dream unturned / Or unfulfilled / Live on / Life awaits" -excerpt from "Nostalgia" by me.